
The recent advances on flexible electronics and sensors have required the development of superior substrates that can withstand different levels and types of deformation, while keeping the integrity and functionality of the sensing materials. This work deals with the development of a zero Poisson's ratio (ZPR) auxetic structure integrated with a pressure sensing material. The ZPR structure can endure 15% of shearing deformation combined with 15% of stretch, presents a Poisson's ratio of 0.061 at a maximum longitudinal deformation of 76%. The resistive pressure sensing material presents a maximum sensitivity of (2.21x104 ± 3.59x103) MΩ/kg, an absolute resistance of around 20 MΩ, and a response time of 50 ms.

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  • @hugosoliveira
  • @nikomu
  • @acarrascopena
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