
Monte Carlo simulation of Casimir force scaling functions for 3D Ising and XY models

, , and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Critical Casimir forces arise in fluctuating media near critical points due to finite size contributions to the free energy of a system. The critical Casimir force in a slab of thickness $L$ scales as $f_Casimir(T,L)=L^-dþeta_Casimir(L/\xi)$ where $þeta(L/\xi)$ is a universal scaling function and $\xi$ is the correlation length. A new Monte Carlo method is developed to compute the scaling functions of Casimir forces for lattice models (Ising, XY). The method is based on an integration scheme of free energy differences. Numerical results are presented for periodic, $++$ and $+-$ boundary conditions (Ising) and periodic and open boundary conditions (XY). These results are expected to contribute to the understanding of recent experiments on critical films of binary mixtures (Ising) and $^4$He (XY), respectively.

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