
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Primo bei der Einführung in deutschsprachigen Bibliotheken und Bibliotheksverbünden

. (2010)


Today library users often have to cope with different search masks when looking for specific information in catalogues, databases and repositories. One way of making research simpler is to implement a tool based on search engine technology, which covers all integrated sources with only one query. The aim of this thesis is to describe the experiences of libraries in the German-speaking area, currently using Primo by Ex Libris. In detail, the hypotheses are that Primo not only provides better visibility of and access to library holdings, but also makes enquiries easier to handle for librarians. Subsequently, there ought to be changes in the administrative process of libraries, whereby synergy effects could be achieved when using Primo in a consortium. Best practice approaches for other institutions, planning to set up this search and discovery tool, are obtained by comparing information gathered from expert interviews. Therefore, librarians involved in the implementation projects in academic institutions are asked for their opinions. The central questions are whether the expectations of the software are fulfilled and which problems occur during the implementation phase. Compared to the hypotheses the findings are partly surprising, since librarians do not consider Primo as a better search interface for themselves, but see a service improvement for library users, who therefore have a single point of access. Moreover, the analysis highlights that the focus of library work has to change from doing research to manipulating data in order to make search and discovery more convenient for users.

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