
Star formation in molecular clouds: observation and theory.

, , und .
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Januar 1987)
DOI: 10.1146/annurev.aa.25.090187.000323


Star-formation (SF) processes occurring on the scale of giant molecular clouds (10 to the 6th solar masses and 10 to the 20th cm) or smaller are discussed, reviewing the results of recent theoretical and observational investigations. Topics examined include the origin of stellar masses; bimodal SF; initial mass functions; binary stars, bound clusters, and hierarchical fragmentation; and the efficiency of SF. The properties of molecular clouds and the origin of substructures in molecular clumps are explored in detail, and consideration is given to gravitational collapse and protostars, bipolar outflows from young stellar objects, visible young stellar objects, and the implications for binary-star and planetary-system formation.



  • @osso73

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