
Relating Examinations to the Common European Framework

Sprachliche Kompetenzen. Konzepte und Messung. DESI-Studie (Deutsch Englisch Schülerleistungen International), Beltz, (2007)


This article deals with the linking of examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEF). It describes the political and educational context of this work and presents the main procedures proposed in the manual: It presents four inter-related sets of procedures that users are advised to follow in order to design a linking scheme in terms of self-contained, manageable activities: familiarisation, specification, standardisation and empirical validation. In this article relating examinations to the CEF are seen as a process of "building an argument" based on a theoretical rationale. (DIPF/paul)



  • @jabreftest
  • @pedocs

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