
Anointments and Prestige: Reflecting on #CommunicationSoWhite with Herman Gray and Oscar Gandy

. Communication, Culture and Critique, 13 (2): 242-248 (Juni 2020)
DOI: 10.1093/ccc/tcaa008


Oscar Gandy, Jr. is a Professor Emeritus at the Annenberg School for Communication and a political economist. He is the author of four books, including Communication and Race: A Structural Perspective (1998), as well as numerous publications. Herman Gray is Professor Emeritus of sociology at UC Santa Cruz. He is the author of the books Watching Race and Cultural Moves, and many other scholarly writings. I spoke with both of them together about #CommunicationSoWhite, asking them as senior black scholars to reflect on contemporary discussions and suggest ways forward in the field of communication and media studies. 1 The interview is edited for brevity and clarity.

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