
Improving poorly performing schools

NAO, London, (2006)


A sizeable number of schools encounter problems that put children's education at risk, and some of these schools do not provide good value for money. In 2004-05, around 837 million was spent in England through a range of national programmes to help improve schools that were failing or at risk of failing. 4.We assess the success of national initiatives and local action, and highlight good practice from which all schools can learn. 24.We identified five main reasons for a school falling below acceptable standards. These reasons are often connected, and weak leadership is nearly always present. A school with these problems tends to have a low reputation, making it less attractive to parents with high expectations for their children: (1) Ineffective leadership; (2) weak governance; (3) poor standards of teaching; (4) lack of external support; (5) challenging circumstances.



  • @nicoj

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