
Practical Query Answering over HI(DL-LiteR) Knoledge Bases

, , and .
Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, page 608-619. (2014)


The language Hi(DL-LiteR) is obtained from DL-LiteR by adding meta-modeling features, and is equipped with a query language that is able to express higher-order queries. We investigate the problem of answering a particular class of such queries, called instance higher-order queries posed over Hi(DL-LiteR) knowledge bases (KBs). The only existing algorithm for this problem is based on the idea of reducing the evaluation of a higher-order query Q over a Hi(DL-LiteR) KB to the evaluation of a union of first-order queries over a DL-LiteR KB, built from Q by instantiating all metavariables in all possible ways. Even though of polynomial time complexity with respect to the size of the KB, this algorithm turns out to be inefficient in practice. In this paper we present a new algorithm, called Smart Binding Planner (SBP), that compiles Q into a program, that issues a sequence of first-order conjunctive queries, where each query has the goal of providing the bindings for meta-variables of the next ones, and the last one completes the process by computing the answers to Q. We also illustrate some experiments showing that, in practice, SBP is significantly more efficient than the previous approach.



  • @savo.fabio

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