
An approach to performance evaluation of software architectures

, , and . Proc. first international workshop on Software and performance (WASP'98), page 178--190. ACM Press, (1998)
DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/287318.287354


In this puper we present an approach to evaluating the expected performance of a software architecture. The method automatically derives a performance evaluation model, based on a Queueing Network Model, from a software architecture specification formally described in CHAM (CHemical Abstract Machine)\@. The goal of this approach is to provide a set of measures to compare the performance of two or more competing software architectures, even at their high level of abstraction. This means that we will be able to derive mathematical relations among the parameters---that is, the evaluution indices---characterizing the competing models. Besides assisting in the choice of a software architecture, these relations give information on how to curry on the development process in order to mantain the given performance. To a certain extent, the relations provide further requirements to be fulfilled by an implementation in order to satisfy the chosen performance criteria.

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