
Hydrodynamics and rheology of soft active matter: from the cytoskeleton to bacterial swarms

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The cytoskeleton is a viscoelastic material with highly unusual properties. Its mechanical and rheological behavior influences a wide variety of cell functions, from crawling to division. Our work focuses of the physical aspects of this behavior and models the cytoskeleton as an active material. Specifically, I will describe the effect of motor activity on the rheological properties of suspensions of cytoskeletal filaments and active crosslinkers. Contractile activity is responsible for a spectacular difference in the viscoelastic properties on opposite sides of the order-disorder transition. In the nematic phase activity also yields nonvanishing stresses proportional to the rate of ATP consumption even in the absence of mechanical deformation. Analogies and differences between the behavior of active gels and those of collections of self-propelled entities, such as bacteria, will also be discussed.

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