
Influence of Agar-Agar Polysaccharide on Changes in Gastrointestic Protein Hydrolysis



Studied the influence of the interaction of indigestible agar-agar polysaccharide and proteins on the change in gastric hydrolysis of proteins. The study was carried out in vitro, in the work used gastric juice, agar-agar, solutions of casein, albumin and hemoglobin. It was concluded that the use of a mixture of agar-agar with proteins helps to reduce protein hydrolysis by gastric juice, due to the formation of agar-agar - protein complexes that prevent protein hydrolysis, and reduce the access of gastric proteases to proteins in the agar-agar-protein complex. An increase in the ratio of agar-agar and protein towards an increase in agar-agar contributes to an additional decrease in protein hydrolysis, which may be an additional decrease in the access of gastric proteases to proteins, in addition to an obstacle to proteins in the agar-agar-protein complex. Thus, protein hydrolysis by gastric juice depends on the interaction agar-agar with proteins as a result of the formation agar-agar-protein complexes, as well as from an increase in the amount agar-agar, which is also an obstacle to the access of gastric proteases to proteins.

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