
Einführung in die Benutzung von SPSS

. Methoden Skriptum, Österreichische Hochschülerschaft, ÖH, Graz, Austria, (September 1996)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10698.44482


Nowadays, the often large amounts of data that are collected in a psychological experiment are processed almost exclusively with the help of computers. The so-called 'languages' represent the interface between man and machine, with which the instructions for data processing are created and communicated to the computer. The form of these languages is adapted to natural language to varying degrees, so that an understandable way of communication between man and machine is guaranteed. In such systems, a large number of so-called 'single-purpose programs', such as those that can be created with programming languages, are combined. These are designed for a specific task, for example for data management (e.g.: dBase) or, as is of interest here, for statistical data collection and evaluation.

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