
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a computer program for the interactive analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other geo-referenced profile, trajectory or time-series data. The software is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX systems. ODV data and settings files are platform independent and can be exchanged between all supported systems. ODV lets the users maintain and analyze very large datasets on inexpensive and portable hardware. Various types of graphics output can be produced easily, including high-quality station maps, general property-property plots of one or more stations, scatter plots of selected stations, section plots along arbitrary cruise tracks, and property distributions on general isosurfaces. Commonly used isosurfaces are constant depth, density or temperature layers. ODV supports display of scalar and vector data by coloured dots, numerical data values or arrows. In addition, ODV includes three different gridding algorithms that calculate fields on automatically generated grids on the basis of the normally heterogeneously distributed data. Gridded fields can be contoured and colour shaded. ODV has a large user community with almost 40,000 registered users worldwide.


Data Analysis and Visualization with Ocean Data View | EPIC

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