
Dalla modalità faccia a faccia ad una lingua scritta emergente: nuove prospettive su trascrizione e scrittura della Lingua dei Segni italiana (LIS)

, , , , , , , and .
Atti IX Congr. Intl Ass. It. Ling. Appl. AItLA. Guerra Ed., Perugia., (2009)


From the face-to-face interaction to written expression: new prospects on the transcription and writing in the Italian Sign Language (LIS) This paper presents preliminary findings from research using SignWriting (SW) for representing Italian Sign Language (LIS) in written form. Our analyses are based on three LIS narrative texts elicited from three signers via the presentation of Chafe’s (1980) “Pear Story” film including: - a transcription from a video-recorded, face-to-face signed production; - two texts conceived and expressed directly in written LIS. We describe and discuss similarities and differences in the symbolization processes linked to the communication modalities. We show how SW-encoded representations highlight the differences existing between face-to-face interaction and written expression, as well as between “transcription” and “original” writings. These written representations also provide a powerful methodological tool for improving the analysis of LIS and enhancing metalinguistic reflections on LIS texts in ways until now impossible with other notation systems.



  • @claudias

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