
Salt Stress Triggers Phosphorylation of the Vacuolar K Channel TPK1 by Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases (CDPKs)

, , , , , , , , , and . Molecular Plant, 6 (4): 1274-1289 (2013)191kb Times Cited:139 Cited References Count:82.
DOI: 10.1093/mp/sss158


The Arabidopsis vacuolar two-pore K channel 1 (TPK1) interacts with the 1433 protein GRF6 (GF14-). Here, we report that this interaction requires activation of the 1433 binding motif in TPK1 by the calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK3. Cpk3 and tpk1 mutants displayed salt-sensitive phenotypes, providing evidence for an essential role of the vacuolar potassium channel TPK1 in Ca-2-dependent salt-stress adaptation.1433 proteins play an important role in the regulation of many cellular processes. The Arabidopsis vacuolar two-pore K channel 1 (TPK1) interacts with the 1433 protein GRF6 (GF14-). Upon phosphorylation of the putative binding motif in the N-terminus of TPK1, GRF6 binds to TPK1 and activates the potassium channel. In order to gain a deeper understanding of this 1433-mediated signal transduction, we set out to identify the respective kinases, which regulate the phosphorylation status of the 1433 binding motif in TPK1. Here, we report that the calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) can phosphorylate and thereby activate the 1433 binding motif in TPK1. Focusing on the stress-activated kinase CPK3, we visualized direct and specific interaction of TPK1 with the kinase at the tonoplast in vivo. In line with its proposed role in K homeostasis, TPK1 phosphorylation was found to be induced by salt stress in planta, and both cpk3 and tpk1 mutants displayed salt-sensitive phenotypes. Molecular modeling of the TPK1CPK3 interaction domain provided mechanistic insights into TPK1 stress-regulated phosphorylation responses and pinpointed two arginine residues in the N-terminal 1433 binding motif in TPK1 critical for kinase interaction. Taken together, our studies provide evidence for an essential role of the vacuolar potassium channel TPK1 in salt-stress adaptation as a target of calcium-regulated stress signaling pathways involving Ca-2, Ca-2-dependent kinases, and 1433 proteins.

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