
Complete denture treatments for a cerebral palsy patient by using a treatment denture. A case report.

, , , , , and .
J Med Dent Sci, 49 (4): 171--177 (December 2002)


This article describes the prosthodontic treatment for a patient with cerebral palsy, in which complete dentures were successfully stabilized using treatment dentures. A 69-year-old edentulous male with no medical complications or mental retardation presented to our clinic. Opening movement of the jaw was possible, but a conspicuous mandibular shift towards the right was observed. He had never received any prosthodontic treatment. Initially, treatment dentures with flat tables were fabricated to rectify his erratic mandibular movements. During the first 3 weeks, the treatment dentures functioned poorly. Eventually, the patient could make tapping movement to some degree and have a meal with less effort. Indentation marks from the cusps of the opposing maxillary denture could be clearly seen on the flat tables. After six weeks, as he did not complain of any pain, definitive dentures were fabricated. When flat table treatment dentures are used, it is considered that the mucosa provides information regarding the vertical stop and bite force. In addition, it is speculated that there is an increase in the response from masseter muscle. In the present case, flat tables were effective for rehabilitation of the mandibular movement.



  • @ar0berts

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