
The 1223 new periodic orbits of planar three-body problem with unequal mass and zero angular momentum

, , and .
(2017)cite arxiv:1709.04775Comment: 84 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.00527.


We present 1349 families of Newtonian periodic planar three-body orbits with unequal mass and zero angular momentum and the initial conditions in case of isosceles collinear configurations. These 1349 families of the periodic collisionless orbits can be divided into seven classes according to their geometric and algebraic symmetries. Among these 1349 families, 1223 families are entirely new, to the best of our knowledge. Furthermore, some periodic orbits have the same free group element for different mass. We find that the scale-invariant average period linearly increases with the mass of one body when the masses of the other two are constant. It is suggested that the masses of bodies may play an important role in periodic three-body systems. The movies of these periodic orbits are given on the website http://numericaltank.sjtu.edu.cn/three-body/three-body-unequal-mass.htm .



  • @achakraborty

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