
Measures of frequency, magnitude of association and impact in epidemiology.

, and .
Allergologia et immunopathologia, 38 (3): 147-52 (2010)6448<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>CI: 2010; JID: 0370073; RF: 12; 2010/02/10 received; 2010/02/15 accepted; 2010/05/06 aheadofprint; ppublish;.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aller.2010.02.002


Epidemiology is concerned with groups of subjects belonging to populations, not with each individual subject, and takes into account both the subjects who contract a disease and those who do not. Comparison, thus, is a basic element of this discipline. Measures of frequency, association and impact are the main statistical resources employed in epidemiology to describe the distribution of healthcare problems, establishing a causal relationship between exposure and disease, enabling users to evaluate the impact of preventive measures in the field of public health.



  • @jepcastel

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