
Change in Socio-Technical Systems: Researching the Multis, the Biggers, and the More Connecteds

Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 75 (5): 721--734 (June 2008)


This essay presents my thoughts on current imperatives and future directions in TFSC's areas of inquiry. I'll start by reiterating a definition of those areas --- ``reiterating,'' because I believe my vision of the journal's mission is the same as Hal's. I will go on to characterize our new global socio-technical environment in terms of the Multis, the Biggers (and Smallers), and the More Connecteds, and argue that our challenge as researchers is to respond to these three features of our changing world. I will note several research emphases that I believe will help forge this response. I'll mention, as well, a few research thrusts that probably will not help. The last part of the essay presents additional views of where our field will go and should go, in light of these new challenges, with recommendations for modelers. The views are, as this page's header announces, ``perspectives,'' and not a statement of editorial policy. They add to those of Coates et al. 1 and Gordon, Glenn and Jakil 2, which appeared in these pages a few years ago.



  • @jrennstich

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