Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

The Language of Shepherds: A Pattern Language for Shepherding

Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on the Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP), Monticello, Illinois, USA., (August 1999)


Shepherding is a important part of the process of preparing patterns to be workshopped at a PLoP conference. Shepherding is a powerful tool that can go beyond grammar and style to the very heart of a pattern. But the quality of shepherding varies widely; some people receive detailed help, while others get only cursory remarks. These twelve patterns form a small language for improving patterns through shepherding. While the patterns approach pattern improvement through the process of shepherding, they are grounded in the basic elements of quality in patterns. Therefore, they can be useful not only for the shepherd, but for the pattern writer as well.



  • @yish

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