
Long-lived Giant Number Fluctuations in a Granular Nematic

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts or bacteria are phases of active matter with spontaneous orientational order -- living liquid crystals. Their nonequilibrium nature is manifested most strikingly in the giant density fluctuations predicted by theories of flocking. We present the experimental observation of these fluctuations, in the nematic phase of an agitated monolayer of granular rods. We find number fluctuations consistent with standard deviation proportional to the mean, in stark contrast to any thermal equilibrium system away from a critical point or, indeed, to any situation where the Central Limit Theorem applies. These large-scale variations are imprinted even on the small-scale dynamics, with local density fluctuations decaying only logarithmically in time. We compare these results in apolar active particles with those in bacteria, which are polar -- each bacterium has a distinct head and tail. Among the lessons of our findings is that the mechanisms behind anomalous number fluctuations in active orientable media are quite generic, be the system composed of inanimate but agitated rods or living bacteria.



  • @statphys23

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