
Approaching the Vākyapadīya: Review of The Saṃbandha-Samuddeśa (Chapter on Relation) and Bhartṛhari's Philosophy of Language: A Study of Bhartṛhari's Saṃbandha-Samuddeśa in the Context of the Vākyapadīya with a Translation of Helārāja's Commentary, Prakīrṇa-Prakāśa Jan E. M. Houben

Journal of the American Oriental Society, 119 (1): 88--125 (1999)


In connection with a recent work on the Sambandhasamuddeśa of the Vākyapadiya, I consider some major issues concerning Bhartṛhari, the tradition he represents, and how a modern scholar Vākyapadīya. I discuss theoretical principles which have been set forth as a basis might approach the Vākyapadīya in connection with these principles, for dealing with Bhartṛhari and evidence from the chiefly what is referred to as Bhartṛhari's perspectivism. I take up in some detail one large issue: the iisfa, who use status of the received high language, associated with a group of model speakers called speech forms characterized as "correct" (sādhu) linguistic units (Sabda) opposed to incorrect lin- (asādhuśabda, apaśabda), that are viewed as corruptions (apabhramia),with respect to guistic units how meanings are understood by users. The principal issue here is: do apaśabdas directly signify meanings for Sistas when they communicate with someone using a vernacular, or do these speakers esort to a translation technique such that the apaśabda used calls to mind a sadhuśabda, which then directly signifies a meaning? This topic also involves another important question: how one should consider the Vrtti and other commentaries in relation to what is said in the karika text.



  • @wujastyk

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