
Pattern Languages of Program Design 4

, , and (Eds.)
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, (1999)


Design patterns have moved into the mainstream of commercial software development as a highly effective means of improving the efficiency and quality of software engineering, system design, and development. Patterns capture many of the best practices of software design, making them available to all software engineers. The fourth volume in a series of books documenting patterns for professional software developers, Pattern Languages of Program Design 4 represents the current and state-of-the-art practices in the patterns community. The 29 chapters of this book were each presented at recent PLoP conferences and have been explored and enhanced by leading experts in attendance. Representing the best of the conferences, these patterns provide effective, tested, and versatile software design solutions for solving real-world problems in a variety of domains. This book covers a wide range of topics, with patterns in the areas of object-oriented infrastructure, programming strategies, temporal patterns, security, domain-oriented patterns, human-computer interaction, reviewing, and software management. As patterns evolve beyond the realm of research into the world of practical software development, more and more developers are discovering that reusable design patterns (such as those contained in this volume) can help them achieve faster, more cost-effective delivery of their applications.



  • @flint63

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