
A Range Query Algorithm to Process KNN Queries in Cloud Computing

, , , and .
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (3): 1425--1427 (March 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1503114


In Public Cloud environment, security and data confidentiality is the major problem facing by all the data controller. The service user can take the service from the cloud by getting authorization from the service provider and he can only pay for the service by using the server, for that the service provider lose the control so there may have chances of leaking the information. For that reason the data controller does not want the data to shift to the Cloud. There may have only chance of storing the data is providing the privacy gurantee to the Cloud. The requirement to building privacy is based on CPEL criteria which is confidentiality, privacy, efficiency, low in-house processing cost. By satisfying these requirement will increase the difficulty to store data in the Cloud. In order to eliminate this problem, We are using Random Space Perturbation method for providing the security and efficiency for processing the data. This method is used to building a practical query services in the Cloud. This approach will balance all the requirements by using range query and KNN query services.It provides multifaceted distances , which allows actual listing techniques to increase distances processing.



  • @ijritcc

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