
Perspective Study on Recoverable Concealed Data Aggregation in WSNs

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 1 (3): 9-13 (February 2013)


In Wireless Sensor Networks, Traditional Aggregation Schemes were used to aggregate the ciphertext without decryption. Since it causes problems such as aggregation constraint and failure of data integrity, a new technique called Recoverable Concealed Data Aggregation was introduced. Here in this scheme, the base station can recover all the sensing data even these data has been aggregated. Such a property is called as ‘recoverable’. Also it suits well for both homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of all the supportive aggregation mechanisms was discussed briefly.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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    3 years ago (last updated 3 years ago)
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