
El servicio de préstamo: espacio de convergencia en el contexto de las bibliotecas

, , and .
Palabra Clave (La Plata), 6 (1): 011 (2016)


The present article is about the relationship of loan service in libraries with the other services and sections of it. It studies their areas of impact, its possibilities and potential for projection and planning of services and activities. The field work includes different types of libraries and it collects the opinion of information professionals. The results of the investigation identifies a number of activities made at this service according to the different types of libraries and provides an approach to the new dimensions that acquires the loan service under digital content. The importance of this service in the institutional context emerges from this study. It constitutes the visible face of the library and the frame where the library user has his first contact with the information unit. At the same time it is the service where we can identify needs and collect relevant information for decision-making.



  • @merlo

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