
Uvazhenie k trudu: kapriz ili neobkhodimoe uslovie obshchestvennogo razvitiya? (Respect for labour: a whim or a necessary condition for social development?)

Ekonomika truda/Russian Journal of Labour Economics, 8 (7): 643-662 (2021)(ISSP).
DOI: 10.18334/et.8.7.112363


The author of the article made an attempt to define the phenomenon of respect for labour in the system of social and labour relations. The purpose of the research is an attempt to form a holistic view of the problem of respect for labour in public life and with this help to expand the problem field of labour research in the ethical direction. Research methods. The methods of logical analysis, comparison, generalization were used in the research process. The information base was formed by scientific articles, periodical press materials, informational and analytical materials, the results of sociological research. Results. In the course of the study, the decomposition of the problem field of respect for labour was consistently carried out, which allowed to come to the following conclusions. Firstly, the phenomenon of respect permeates all levels of consideration of social and labour relations both from the standpoint of analyzing the subject of these relations, and from the standpoint of the subjects of these relations. Secondly, respect is an important binding component of social and labour relations, which either contributes to the harmonization of relations, or (in its absence) exacerbates the problems of interaction of subjects of working life. Thirdly, the phenomenon of respect is directly linked to the global labour problems that are recognized by the world community. In the context of the ongoing transformation of the world of labour, the emergence and expansion of acute socio-economic threats, it becomes obvious that the development of the social and labour sphere must overcome narrow economic principles and be based on a powerful ethical foundation.



  • @gesis_survey21

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