Ausland: Welche Folgen hätte eine westliche Attacke gegen Assad? Experten befürchten, dass sich der Syrien-Konflikt rasch auf die Nachbarländer ausweiten würde
In zahlreichen Staaten der Welt werden homosexuelle Männer und Frauen strafrechtlich verfolgt. Häufig drohen ihnen lange Haftstrafen - und in einigen Staaten in Afrika und der arabischen Welt können sogar Todesurteile verhängt werden.
Sami Ramadani, senior lecturer in sociology at London Metropolitan University and a political refugee from Saddam's regime: "A shift in Turkey's policy is very significant for the region. Turkey over the last few years built friendly relations with Iran, with Hamas, the Palestinian resistance movement, and with the Syrian regime it developed very close links. They decided—Turkey decided to agree to installing the anti-ballistic missile umbrella in Turkey. Before that, they objected to such installation. This started souring relations with Iran. When it came to the demonstrations inside Syria, gradually Turkey took the side of those who want to militarize the conflict."
Israel is more likely than not by next July to take military action aimed at curbing Iran's disputed nuclear activities, more than three dozen present and former Israeli policy-makers and other U.S. and Arab state officials indicated in interviews with T