As I have posted before, the definition of advocacy that I use when talking with direct service organizations about how they can ease into it comes from the Latin root word, advocare, which means "to call to aid". It's about how you build a constituency around your cause, even more broadly than around your organization.…
of The Bridgespan Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps nonprofit and philanthropic leaders in the hard work of developing strategies and building organizations that inspire and accelerate social change. We offer strategy consulting, executive search and philanthropy advising services.
Dr. Pop is a popular education website that helps people become better story-tellers and strategic thinkers. We do this by telling stories ourselves, explaining complicated things in simple ways, and showing how and why we did it. Along the way we focus on how the economy, urban planning, and democracy work, provide living examples of how they can work better, and offer tools for organizers, educators, students, activists and all manner of curious people who are interested in change.