
The Canadian Press: Vancouver library bars assisted-suicide group's how-to workshop


VANCOUVER, B.C. — An Australian right-to-die group that wants to teach seriously ill patients how to end their lives has been turned away by the Vancouver public library over concerns that such an event could violate laws that prohibit assisted suicide. Melbourne-based Exit International wants to hold a workshop in November that would include information about which drugs patients can take to kill themselves, how to obtain them and how to take them. The Vancouver Public Library initially took the booking, but has since cancelled after receiving legal advice from its lawyers and local police, said central librarian Paul Whitney. "The library was told in what, for lawyers, I would describe as fairly unambiguous language that the program as presented by Exit International would be in contravention of the Criminal Code," Whitney said Monday. Federal law makes it a crime to counsel, aid or abet someone to kill themselves.




  • @kclmel

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