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    Re: Aero Snap function? Thanks gotsanity, that's pretty cool! I got it to work but after some research realized there was a way to get the same functionality without having to input the dimensions manually. This could be useful because it would make the tutorial easier, and if you ever change your resolution it would be already set up for you. The other advantage is that when the window is dragged to the top, to be maximized, it is actually maximized rather than changing it's resolution to fit the screen. As a disclaimer, I'm no expert at bash scripting, so feel free to improve on the code. I also found the 'let <variable> =' command doesn't work within the Command lines.
    15 years ago by @lystrata

    One of the many ways KDE makes our lives easier is by providing graphical interfaces for many of the  tasks that computer users want to perform. Web browsers typically accept certain protocols that connect them to resources, such as http, https, and ftp. In KDE, these are called KIO slaves, and nearly all KDE applications can interact with them. What makes KDE unique is that there are over 50 KIO slaves available for use. These include everything from basic file management (file:/directoryname) to remote network management (remote:/). I have selected a few notable KIO slaves to demonstrate how they are used and have also included a list of useful ones at the end of this post.
    15 years ago by @lystrata
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