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    Microsoft founder says there is a ‘humanitarian and a self-interested’ case for rich countries to help developing world.
    4 years ago by @mikaelbook

    Bill Gates TED Talk about epidemics Marc 2015: In 2014, the world avoided a global outbreak of Ebola, thanks to thousands of selfless health workers -- plus, frankly, some very good luck. In hindsight, we know what we should have done better. So, now's the time, Bill Gates suggests, to put all our good ideas into practice, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. As he says, "There's no need to panic ... but we need to get going."
    4 years ago by @mikaelbook

    From Irish Central by Shane O'Brien 27 Aprril 2020 Robert F. Kennedy's son claims that Dr. Tony Fauci and the Gates Foundation stand to make a hefty profit from the manufacture of the COVID-19 vaccine. "Billionaire Bill Gates, meanwhile, has been a target of conspiracy theories and misinformation from far-right political pundits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The misinformation campaign spread exponentially after Gates publically criticized US President Donald Trump's handling of the pandemic. Online fact-checker Politifact said that there is no evidence that the Gates Foundation has a patent for a Coronavirus vaccine. The website said that the Gates Foundation is currently funding 70 potential coronavirus vaccines in the United States. USA Today also debunked an earlier theory that the Pirbright Institute in Britain, which the Gates Foundation invests in, also has a patent for the Coronavirus vaccine. The USA Today article said that those claims were unfounded and that the Gates Foundation is funding an initiative to speed up research into COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. The theory claimed that the Gates Foundation had engineered the Coronavirus and the necessary vaccine in order to make a profit off the vaccine. Dr. Tony Fauci, on the other hand, has served as the NIAID's Director since 1984. He is part of the Trump Administration's Coronavirus Task Force and is widely regarded as one of the most trusted medical officials in the United States. He has been an advisor to every US President since Ronald Reagan. "
    4 years ago by @mikaelbook

    Marcus Rosenlund 2017, uppdaterad dec 2020 "Dr. Zabdiel Boylston reste senare till London där han publicerade sina resultat och blev 1726 invald i Royal Society. Cotton Mather hade fått ta emot samma ära två år tidigare. Det slutliga genombrottet i kriget mot smittkopporna kom sedan 1796, då den engelske läkaren Edward Jenner tog fram det första regelrätta vaccinet mot smittkoppor. Det var också han som myntade ordet ”vaccin”, från latinets vacca som betyder ko. Jenner hade noterat att mjölkpigorna på en gård i Berkshire tenderade att ha fin hy, utan vanprydande koppärr. Det berodde på att de utsattes för kokoppor som bara ger milda symptom hos människor, men ger immunitet också mot smittkoppor. " "Dessutom så känns det otroligt orättvist att Microsoftmiljardären Bill Gates ska behöva ta emot så mycket dynga - filantropen Gates har ju räddat miljoner människoliv genom fonden som bär Gates och hans hustrus namn. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation har bland annat finansierat ett stort antal sjukvårds- och utbildningsprojekt i tredje världen. Det här inkluderar att bekämpa aids bland barn i fattiga länder och att vaccinera 40 miljoner barn mot polio. Sedan grundandet av stiftelsen är det beräknat att 6,9 miljoner liv har blivit räddade från diverse sjukdomar. Som om det här inte skulle vara nog så har Gates testamenterat 90% av sin återstående egendom till välgörande ändamål. Ändå har han under de senaste åren fått iklä sig rollen som ärkedjävul i diverse foliehattars fantasier. Som man säger, otack är världens lön."
    3 years ago by @mikaelbook

    Watch the full episode of #TyskySour here: #TyskySour is broadcast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7PM here on the Novara Media YouTube channel.
    2 years ago by @mikaelbook
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