"IMIR är ett privat miljörättsligt institut. Formellt är det en bifirma till Åmyra förlag AB. Inom ramen för IMIR utförs forskning och utbildning och vissa slags miljöjuridiska uppdrag, företrädesvis för myndigheters, organisationers och vissa internationella organs räkning. Forskningen och utbildningen sker främst på uppdragsbasis. men viss egen forskning görs också. IMIR stöder i viss utsträckning forskning vid Uppsala universitet, främst i sådana hänseenden där universitetets resurser och funktioner är otillräckliga. Vidare publicerar IMIR Miljörättslig tidskrift samt även viss annan litteratur."
Public Goods and the Public Domain: The Access to Knowledge in Developing Countries, and Innovation in Health, Education and Science. Forero Pineda, Clemente. 2004. The Digital Library of the Commons. University of Indiana
"The Participatory Culture Foundation, a Massachusetts based 501(c)(3) non-profit, makes bottom-up economies and cultures possible by ensuring that our political, social and cultural systems are open and democratic everywhere. We work to eliminate gatekeepers and empower communities around the world."
"Domain Capital is the first and only financial services company to offer financing to businesses based on the inherent and recognized value of premium domain names. Our vision is to innovate exciting new financial products and services designed to enable entrepreneurs to exploit new business models."
Roosevelts "New Deal", Kennedys "New Frontier", LBJs "Great Society", Obamas ? Månlandningen 1969. Änkan, Lady Bird Johnson, har avlidit. (McNamara deceived LBJ on Vietnam - berättar Gareth Porter på TRNN, baserande sig på bandupptagningar från bibliotekets arkiv.)
The end of military neutrality on the Scandinavian peninsula is of major world political and historical significance in its own regard, but is even more important by what it illustrates. The NATO integration of Finland and Sweden is a final detail in a grand landscape whose composite view is of every European nation – large and small, west and east, continental and insular – incorporated into and subordinated to a globally expanding military bloc controlled by a power in another hemisphere. A project exceeding by orders of magnitude the efforts of Napoleon and Hitler to achieve a comparable objective in the last two centuries.