A polyfill of the JavaScript standard library, which supports: The latest ECMAScript standard; ECMAScript standard library proposals; Some WHATWG / W3C standards (cross-platform or closely related ECMAScript).
Cockatiel is resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback.
A JSON alternative that retains references, handles circular dependencies, and encodes almost every data type available to standard JavaScript. - cierelabs/json-complete
A collection of types that makes TypeScript even safer. It's goal is to improve type correctness while adding a whole new set of features to TypeScript.
Using Docker as the engine of the virtual environment makes the environment itself isolated, easily sharable, and also eventually ready-to-be-deployed given that it is still a Docker container.