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    Many countries rely on regional climate model (RCM) projections to quantify the impacts of climate change and to design their adaptation plans accordingly. In several European regions, RCMs project a smaller temperature increase than global climate models (GCMs), which is hypothesised to be due to discrepant representations of topography, cloud processes, or aerosol forcing in RCMs and GCMs. Additionally, RCMs do generally not consider the vegetation response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations; a process which is, however, included in most GCMs. Plants adapt to higher CO2 concentrations by closing their stomata, which can lead to reduced transpiration with concomitant surface warming, in particular, during temperature extremes. Here we show that embedding plant physiological responses to elevated CO2 concentrations in an RCM leads to significantly higher projected extreme temperatures in Europe. Annual maximum temperatures rise additionally by about 0.6 K (0.1 K in southern, 1.2 K in northern Europe) by 2070–2099, explaining about 67% of the stronger annual maximum temperature increase in GCMs compared to RCMs. Missing plant physiological CO2 responses thus strongly contribute to the underestimation of temperature trends in RCMs. The need for robust climate change assessments calls for a comprehensive implementation of this process in RCM land surface schemes.
    5 years ago by @simon.brown

    Dry land surface conditions have been shown to amplify extreme heat events in Europe but the extent to which this influence involves modification of the overlying atmospheric circulation has yet to be fully established. Here, this issue is addressed using two Community Earth System Model ensembles, with the same heatwave‐inducing atmospheric circulation pattern imposed over different land surface states. These two ensembles differ in the vertical level above which the circulation is constrained (surface vs. upper troposphere). Soil moisture anomalies are found to play an important role in dictating heatwave intensity among ensemble members. The heatwave is approximately 0.1°C hotter per standard deviation soil moisture reduction when the troposphere is free to respond to surface conditions than when it is constrained, implying that a portion of the land surface influence involves feedbacks through the atmospheric circulation. The additional atmospheric response also allows for non‐local heatwave amplification in subsequent months.
    5 years ago by @simon.brown

    During the summer of 2015, central Europe experienced a major heatwave that was preceded by anomalously cold sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the northern North Atlantic. Recent observation-based studies found a correlation between North Atlantic SST in spring and European summer temperatures, suggesting potential for predictability. Here we show, by using a high-resolution climate model, that ocean temperature anomalies, in combination with matching atmospheric and sea-ice initial conditions were key to the development of the 2015 European heatwave. In a series of 30-member ensemble simulations we test different combinations of ocean temperature and salinity initial states versus non-initialised climatology, mediated in both ensembles by different atmospheric/sea-ice initial conditions, using a non-standard initialisation method without data-assimilation. With the best combination of the initial ocean, and matching atmosphere/sea-ice initial conditions, the ensemble mean temperature response over central Europe in this set-up equals 60% of the observed anomaly, with 6 out of 30 ensemble-members showing similar, or even larger surface air temperature anomalies than observed.
    5 years ago by @simon.brown

publications  5  

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