
A Fast Recommendation Algorithm for Social Tagging Systems : A Delicious Case

, , , and . (2015)cite arxiv:1512.08325Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures.


The tripartite graph is one of the commonest topological structures in social tagging systems such as Delicious, which has three types of nodes (i.e., users, URLs and tags). Traditional recommender systems developed based on collaborative filtering for the social tagging systems bring very high demands on CPU time cost. In this paper, to overcome this drawback, we propose a novel approach that extracts non-overlapping user clusters and corresponding overlapping item clusters simultaneously through coarse clustering to accelerate the user-based collaborative filtering and develop a fast recommendation algorithm for the social tagging systems. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to dramatically reduce the processing time cost greater than $90\%$ and relatively enhance the accuracy in comparison with the ordinary user-based collaborative filtering algorithm.

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  • @hangdong
  • @dblp
@hangdong's tags highlighted