
Education and Women A Study



Education cultivates brains so that a person can think. Since centuries woman had been denied education, consequently, they could not think and whatever they could, that was forced patriarchal thoughts. So it has become extremely important to study condition of woman in absence and presence of education. And if at all women are imparted with education is it making her confident enough to think about her self respect Or is that education allows her to find out real meaning of life Unfortunately, it seems as if woman is born to get marry and follow patriarchal norms imposed on her through woman advocate only. She is expected to give birth to children and bring them up to the requirements of the family. In the past, she was denied to educate herself because society did not find worth in imparting formal education to women as she is supposed to take care of her family only, and the short story Exercise Book by Rabindranath Tagore written probably in 1891 represents it well the same situation in different form is there even after 100 years in the story A Kitchen in the corner of the House by C.S. Laxmi written in around 1990s where educated women are preferred for marriage market but they do not have their say in any of the matters not even in food items to be cooked. And then the movie, English Vinglish, stating children's expectation for parents to converse in English language and behave in English etiquettes, proves that even if a woman is handling her house hold chores perfectly, she is imperfect without education. It is interesting to study these three stories written in different time period. Studying the three stories as a journey of a woman on the pavement to school, Exercise Book proves to be a causey, A Kitchen in the Corner of the House, a road and English Vinglish a concrete highway. A journey indicating fear voice respect. But this is a beginning. Dr. Dharitri R Gohel "Education and Women: A Study" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd59769.pdf Paper Url:https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/education/59769/education-and-women-a-study/dr-dharitri-r-gohel

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