
This is what happens when you blindly outsource to India (keyword: blindly)


Update: Seems the title of the post is misleading. I have no issues with outsourcing to India or Indians (I’m Indian). It’s the blind nature of what happened that I’m writing about. India, Australia or Silicon Valley…that’s irrelevant.

There’s a popular myth that outsourcing to India can save you lots of money in development costs. While the statement alone isn’t false, it leaves a lot to the imagination. You know the part of the imagination that thinks about what you’ll do with the raise you’re probably not going to be getting next year. Outsourcing development to India is only a good idea when a team of technical experts assess the options and determine that it’s a good idea. Product managers and other not technical employees have no business making such a decision. When they do disaster looms…as you’ll read about in this article.




  • @torstenschuenemann

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