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    When Le Moyne College President Linda LeMura first learned of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal to provide free tuition at New York's public colleges and universities, she thought it would be an opportunity for the state to strengthen the partnership between public and private schools. In the four months since Cuomo first detailed his plan and a few weeks removed from the 2017-18 state budget's adoption, LeMura doesn't see how the program — named the Excelsior Scholarship — will help the state's higher education institutions. Once fully phased in, the Excelsior Scholarship will be available for students who attend State University of New York colleges and universities and whose families earn no more than $125,000 annually. The program is more complex than just simply distributing free tuition to SUNY students. There are requirements. Before receiving the scholarship, students are required to apply for other federal and state aid. If they are awarded the scholarship, they must maintain an adequate grade point average and enroll in at least 30 credits each academic year. After graduating from a state institution, students who receive the scholarship must live and work in New York for a period equal to the duration of the scholarship. For example, if a student receives the scholarship for every year of their undergraduate studies, they must stay in the state for four years after commencement. Students who break this obligation will have their scholarship become a student loan they must pay back. The impact of the program won't be known until after it begins this fall. But LeMura and Wells College President Jonathan Gibralter have concerns about the free tuition benefit. For LeMura, the main issue is how the public and private schools will be pitted against each other. She also thinks the state's approach won't address the real driver of costs: the existing higher education business model. "Someone has to pay for the increasing costs and the business model itself is under immense pressure because the governme
    6 years ago by @prophe


    Gov. Andrew Cuomo just took the first step in creating accessible college education statewide. On April 12, Cuomo signed legislation that will enact the first-in-the-nation Excelsior Scholarship program that will provide tuition-free college for both SUNY and CUNY institutions to middle-class families and those who might not have been able to afford it beforehand. Under this plan, families making under $125,000 yearly will qualify for tuition-free college, meaning that nearly 80 percent, or more than 940,000 families with college-aged children will be eligible. The plan, proposed by Cuomo back in January, has caught the attention and approval of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sanders commended Cuomo for his efforts toward creating easily accessible higher education. “Every American, regardless of income, must have the right to a higher education,” Sanders said. “I congratulate Gov. Cuomo and New York State for helping to lead the nation in that direction.” A driving force behind the plan lies in the estimation of 3.5 million jobs in New York State requiring an associate’s degree or higher by the year 2024. The Excelsior Scholarship program will be implemented in phases over the next three years. Beginning in the fall of 2017, families making under $100,000 will be given the opportunity to apply to the program. Within the next year, the cap will be raised to $110,000 and to $125,000 in subsequent years. Despite its seemingly beneficial attributes, the governor’s plan has been met with skepticism. While the plan claims that 940,000 families would be eligible, the amount of families who would receive the benefits would be significantly less. According to The New York Times, the plan will not cover as many families as the governor hopes it will. By the time the plan is fully enacted in 2019, director of State Operations Jim Malatras believes it will only cover 200,000 families rather than the approximate million that had been originally estimated
    6 years ago by @prophe

    Cardinal not wanted after his role in handling sex abuse allegations Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York since 2009, will speak at the University of St. Thomas' May commencement ceremony despite student calls for the university to reconsider. Students say they are concerned about Dolan's role in handling sexual abuse allegations when he was archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the early 2000s. A petition calling for the private Montrose university to cancel the speech brought more than 100 signaturesin the last several days, and four students Thursday afternoon distributed leaflets from the heart of campus with photos of Dolan's face, media coverage of allegations against him and a link to an online petition. "Send it to everyone you know," said Victoria Villarreal, a senior studying communications, as she passed a flier to a woman. "I did," she responded. University President Robert Ivany said Thursday morning that he does not believe the criticism reflects general opinion on the 3,300-student campus. The university's governing board of directors selected Dolan to speak two years ago in a unanimous decision, he said. The university announced last week that he would speak at commencement. Before assuming his current role in New York, Dolan served as archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009. Under his leadership, abusive priests were paid up to $20,000 for agreeing to be removed from the clergy. "Was it a payoff, was it a settlement, was it an impetus - I wouldn't say that, nor would I say it was a normal practice, but it was done," he said in a 2012 deposition about the payments. The payments, he said, were to help accused priests transition out of their positions and get medical insurance. Ordained as a priest in 1976, Dolan has served in Missouri, Washington, D.C., and Rome. He had a prominent role in President Donald Trump's inauguration, leading the nation in prayer from the Capitol moments before Trump took office. He was appoint
    6 years ago by @prophe
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