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publications  3  


    . 100 godina muzeja na Humcu: (1884-1984) : zbornik radova, page 187--201. Ljubuški, Samoupravna interesna zajednica kulture Općine Ljubuški, (1985)
    a year ago by @glonga

    . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 7 (9): 99-104 (October 2020)1. Frase, H.S.F.,, “Comparing complex diagnoses a formative evolution of the heart disease program”, MIT Lab for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA(2001) 2. Salem, A.M. Raushdy, M and HodHod, R.A., “ A rule based expert system for diagnosis of Heart disease”, 8th International conference on soft Computing MENDEL, Brno, Czech Republic, June 5-7, PP 258-263(2002). 3. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, V. D. Bhagile, R. R. Manza, R. J. Ramteke, "Development of an Expert System for Diagnosis and appropriate Medical Prescription of Heart Disease Using Support Vector Machine and Radial Basis Function", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, (IJCSIS) August issue (Vol. 8 No. 5), 2010, Pages/record No.: 245-254. ISSN: 19475500. 4. I. Turkoglu, A. Arslan, E. Ilkay, “An expert system for diagnosis ofhe heart valve diseases”, Expert Systems with Applications vol.23,pp. 229–236, 2002. 5. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, A.V. Mane, R. R. Manza and R. J. Ramteke, “Prediction of Heart Disease Medical Prescription Using Radial Basis Function", IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, ICCIC-2010, December 28-29, 2010. 6. Mrs. Bharati M. Ramageri, “Data Mining Techniques And Applications”,Bharati M. Ramageri / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 1 No. 4 pp 301-305. 7. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, R. R. Manza and R.J. Ramteke, “Association Rules for Filtering The Medicine To Avoid Side Effects Of Heart Patients”, on 16 -19 Dec 2009, at Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology – 09, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. 8. Rajeswari K, Vaithiyanathan V, P. Amirtharaj “Application of Decision Tree Classifiers in Diagnosing Heart Disease using Demographic Data” American Journal of Scientific research ISSN 2301-2005 pp. 77-82 EuroJournals Publishing, 2012. 9. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Jameel Ahmed, Naveed Ahmed, Rizwan Alam Thakur, “Data Mining and Natural Language Processing Methods for Extracting Opinions from Customer Reviews”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, pp 52-58, Vol. 3, No. 6, July 2012. ( ISSN: 1837-7823). 10. Haque ME, Sudhakar KV. ANN back propagation prediction model for fracture toughness in microalloy steel. Int J Fatique 2002;24:1003–10. 11. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, "Heart Disease Diagnosis by using FFBP and GRNN algorithm of Neural Network", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol 12, Number 6, June 2014, ISSN 1945-5500, United States of America. 12. Celikoglu HB. Application of radial basis function and eneralized regression neural networks in non-linear utility function specification for travel mode choice modelling. Math Comput Model 2006;44:640–58. 13. Mohammad Eid Alzaharani, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, “Diagnosis and Medical Prescription of Heart Disease Using FFBP, SVM and RBF”, Issue,1, Vol 5, , KKU Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Mar 2019 , Page 6-15. 14. Santosh Maher, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Sumegh Tharewal, K. V. Kale " HRV based Human Heart Disease Prediction and Classification using Machine Learning " December 2019, (Vol. 17 No. 2 International Journal of Computer Science and Application (IJCA), New York, USA. 15. Kusuma.S1, Divya Udayan, “Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods in Heart Disease (HD) Research, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 18 2018, 1483-1496, ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)url: Issue. 16. Akram Ablsubari, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Mohammed Eid Alzaharani, Rakesh Ramteke, "Composite Feature Extraction and Classification for Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Biometric Traits", Engineering Technology and Applied Science Research, (ETASR) Volume 9, No 1, Feb 2019, ISSN: 2241-4487, Greece. 17. Santosh K. Maher, Sumegh Tharewal, Abdul Hannan, “Review on HRV based Prediction and Detection of Heart Disease”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Pag 7-12, Volume 179 – No.46, June 2018. 18. Yogesh Rajput, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Mohammed Eid Alzaharani, D. Patil Ramesh Manza, Design and Development of New Algorithm for person identification Based on Iris statistical features and Retinal blood Vessels Bifurcation points” ” International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R), December 21-22, 2018, India. 19. Yogesh, Abdul Hannan, Rahul Sagar, Kishor Jave, Identification and Counting Trees from Oil Palm Plantations Using Digital Image Processing Techniques, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 6 Issue 05, May – 2017, ISSN: 2278-0181. 20. C.Sowmiya, Dr.P.Sumitra, “Analytical Study of Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Classification Techniques” 2017 IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Techniques In Control, Optimization And Signal Processing, 978-1-5090-4778-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE. 21. Santosh K. Maher, Sumegh Tharewal, Abdul Hannan, K. V. Kale “Review on HRV based Prediction and Detection of Heart Disease” International Journal of Computer Application(IJCA), Vol. 179, Number 46, June 2018, ISSN 0975-8887, USA. 22. Rifki Wijaya, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, “Preliminary Design of Estimation Heart disease by using machine learning ANN within one year” , 2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology (rICT & ICeV-T) November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia, 978-1-4799-3365-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE. 23. Yogesh, Abdul Hannan, Rahul Sagar, Kishor Jave, Identification and Counting Trees from Oil Palm Plantations Using Digital Image Processing Techniques, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 6 Issue 05, May – 2017, ISSN: 2278-0181. 24. Mahammed Waseem, Naushad Ahmed Osmani, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, “A Survey on E-education of information and Communication ‘Technology”, European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (EJCSIT), Vol. 4, Issue 6, ISSN 2054-0965, October 2016. 25. H. Uguz, A. Arslan, I. Turkoglu, Ä biomedical system based on hidden Markov model for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases", Pattern Recognition Letters vol.28 pp.395–404, (2007). 26. Mr.Deepak.C.Dhanwani,,"Survey on Various Techniques of Brain Tumor Detection from MRIImages", International Journal of Computational Engineering Research Vol, 04,Issue, 1,January-2014. 27. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Bharatratna P. Gaikwad, Ramesh Manza, "Brain Tumor from MRI Images : A Review". International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 5, Issue 4, April-2014 ISSN 2229-5518, France. 28. Aqueel Ahmed, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, “Data Mining Techniques to Find Out Heart Diseases: An Overview”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal, Volume-1, Issue-4, September 2012, ISSN: 2278-3075, New Delhi, India. 29. M. J. Baheti, A. V. Mane, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, K. V. Kale, “Comparison of PCA and SVM for a west Indian Script- Gujarati”, CiiT Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol. 3. No. 11, pp. 709-715, July 2011. 30. Karaolis, M.A. Moutiris, J.A. Hadjipanayi, D. Pattichis, C.S., “Assessment of the Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Events Based on Data Mining With Decision Trees” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, pp 559 -566, May 2010. 31. Nikhil Gawande , Alka Barhatte , Heart Diseases Classification using Convolutional Neural Network, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), IEEE, 2017. 32. Mir Arif Ali, Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Ä Review on Modern and Classical Encryption Techniques", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Volume 12, Number 4, June 2014, ISSN 2231-5381, India. 33. Aufzalina Mohd Yusof, Nor Azura Md. Ghani, Khairul Asri Mohd Ghani, Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani, A predictive model for prediction of heart surgery procedure, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 15, No. 3, September 2019. 34. Amin Ul Haq, Jian Ping Li, Muhammad Hammad Memon, Shah Nazir, Ruinan Sun, A Hybrid Intelligent System Framework for the Prediction of Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Hindawi Mobile Information Systems Volume 2018. 35. X. Li, J. Chen, G. Zhao and M. Pietikainen, “Remote Heart Rate Measurement from Face Videos under Realistic Situations”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 4264- 4271, 2014. 36. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, A.V. Mane, R. R. Manza and R. J. Ramteke, “Prediction of Heart Disease Medical Prescription Using Radial Basis Function", IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, ICCIC-2010, December 28-29, 2010. 37. Y. Pei, S. Zhao, X. Yang, J. Cao and Y. Gong, “Design Optimization of a SRM Motor by a Nature-Inspired Algorithm: Multi-Verse Optimizer”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, pp. 1870-1875, 2018. 38. Shaikh Abdul Hannan, V.D. Bhagile, R. R. Manza and R.J. Ramteke, “Expert System for Diagnosis and Appropriate Medical Prescription of Heart Disease Using Radial Basis Function”, CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 2, No 8 (2010), pp 184-193, ISSN 0974–9667. 39. Durairaj M, Revathi V, “Prediction Of Heart Disease Using Back Propagation MLP Algorithm”, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2015..
    2 years ago by @ijiris

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