{. Schouten, {. Bueno, W. Duivesteijn, и M. Pechenizkiy. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 36 (1):
379--413(января 2022)Funding Information: This research is supported by EDIC project funded by NWO. We thank the EDIC consortium and the ZGT hospital for allowing us to analyse the data from the DIALECT-2 study. We especially thank Niala Den Braber (PhD candidate at Universiteit Twente and researcher internal medicine at ZGT hospital) and prof. dr. Goos Laverman (internist-nephrologist at ZGT hospital) for giving us clinical valuation of our findings. In addition, we thank our colleagues dr. Robert Peharz for giving us useful insights on Markov chains and DBNs and dr. Maryam Tavakol for guiding us towards the MovieLens dataset..