J. Hereth, G. Stumme, R. Wille, and U. Wille. Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Proc. ICCS '00, volume 1867 of LNAI, page 421-437. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)
G. Stumme, R. Taouil, Y. Bastide, and L. Lakhal. Proc. GI-Fachgruppentreffen Maschinelles Lernen (FGML'01), Universität Dortmund 763, (October 2001)Part of stumme02computing.
K. Becker, G. Stumme, R. Wille, U. Wille, and M. Zickwolff. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Methods, Models, and Tools., volume 1937 of LNAI, page 352-365. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)
P. Eklund, B. Groh, G. Stumme, and R. Wille. Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational, volume 1867 of LNAI, page 453-467. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)
J. Hereth, G. Stumme, R. Wille, and U. Wille. Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Proc. ICCS '00, volume 1867 of LNAI, page 421-437. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)Part of hereth03conceptual.
K. Becker, G. Stumme, R. Wille, U. Wille, and M. Zickwolff. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Methods, Models, and Tools., volume 1937 of LNAI, page 352-365. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)
P. Eklund, B. Groh, G. Stumme, and R. Wille. Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational, volume 1867 of LNAI, page 453-467. Heidelberg, Springer, (2000)