Y. Zhang, and P. Rockett. GECCO 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on
Genetic and evolutionary computation, 1, page 795--802. Washington DC, USA, ACM Press, (25-29 June 2005)
Y. Zhang, and P. Rockett. Multi-Objective Machine Learning, volume 16 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, chapter 4, Springer, Invited chapter.(2006)
Y. Yang, J. Xu, and C. Soh. European Journal of Operational Research, 168 (2):
354--369(16 January 2006)Feature Cluster on Mathematical Finance and Risk
Y. Chen, B. Yang, and A. Abraham. Neurocomputing, 70 (4-6):
697--703(January 2007)Advanced Neurocomputing Theory and Methodology -
Selected papers from the International Conference on
Intelligent Computing 2005 (ICIC 2005), International
Conference on Intelligent Computing 2005.