PhD thesis,

Información digital y actividad económica: carencias y avances en España durante el per\'ıodo 2007-2010

Universidad de Granada, Ph D Information Science, (2012)


Digital information and economic activity: gaps and progress in Spain during the period 2007-2010 In this dissertation we evaluate some of the progresses and gaps that can be observed in the supply and delivery of digital information for economic activity in Spain during the period 2007-2010 from four different viewpoints. These four study areas are: - the Spanish e-Administration as an energizing factor of all national economic sectors, and the digital information market in particular; - the contribution made by the Spanish Chambers of Commerce in digital information for economic activity; - changes, gaps and progresses made in the provision of digital information to the agricultural sector; - the presence of subjects related to the information on economic activity in the curricula aimed to train information professionals at the Spanish universities. To put in context the research work, we have also analyzed the development and current status of each of the four study areas. The dissertation highlights the importance the Spanish Public Administration has had in the past, and still has, in the development of the electronic information industry in Spain. Contributions made by private initiatives are also discussed. Furthermore, in the four study areas we observe dynamics which take place at very different speeds. This depends on the contribution of the actor or group of actors involved in each case. Particularly notable was the low presence of information on economic activity in the curricula aimed to train information professionals in Spanish universities.



  • @phipola

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