A Study To Determine The Effectiveness Of Snake And Ladder Game On "Knowledge Of Common Ailments" Among Primary School Children Of A Selected School, Lucknow. OBJECTIVES 1. To assess the level of Knowledge on common ailments among primary school children. 2. To assess the Effectiveness of snake and Ladder game in the area of "Common Ailments" among primary schoolchildren 3. To explore the association between knowledge scores and demographic variables of the subjects. METHODS A pre experimental and evaluative research approach was used with one group pre test pos test design to evaluate the effectiveness of the Snake Ladder game on ‘knowledge of common ailments’. The study was conducted in selected school in. Assumption English School selected for the study. The sample composed of 60 primary school children. A purposive sampling technique was used. A structured knowledge questionnaire on selected common ailments was used for data collection. family. Maximum number of children 40 had only one scores and the differences between the pre test and post test scores were statistically significant at 5 level. ‘t’ 59 =19.16, p 0.05. This indicates that GAME was an effective method of imparting information to the children regarding common ailments. From the statistical analysis it was clear that there was significant increase in the knowledge level of the children regarding common ailments after administration of the GAME. Regarding association between the baseline variables with pre test and post test knowledge scores it was found that there was no significant association between the variables like age, sex, religion, education, ordinal position, number of siblings, type of family and monthly income of family of children with pre test and post test knowledge scores. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION Findings of the study score shows that Snake and Ladder game was an effective teaching strategy in increasing the knowledge of the children on common ailments. If proper information is given to the children regarding common ailments, they can improve their knowledge which in turn helps them to take care of themselves and to help others. Dr. Dipti Shukla | Mrs. Soumya Sunny | Ms. Snigdha Bhardwaj | Ms. Yogita Sharma | Mr. Utkarsh Tiwari | Mr. Vishal Kumar | Ms. Vineeta Kumari | Ms. Shushma Devi | Ms. Shilpi Sahay Ä Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Snake and Ladder Game on Knowledge of Common Ailments among Primary School Children of a Selected School Lucknow" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-7 , December 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52328.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/nursing/52328/a-study-to-determine-the-effectiveness-of-snake-and-ladder-game-on-knowledge-of-common-ailments-among-primary-school-children-of-a-selected-school-lucknow/dr-dipti-shukla
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