
Anomalous heat transport in one-dimensional many-particles models

Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Physical phenomena in reduced spatial dimension (D=1,2) are often qualitatively different from their three-dimensional counterparts due to the overwhelming role of statistical fluctuations. An important example is the anomalous heat conduction in 1D many-particle systems. More specifically, anomalous behaviour manifests as (i) a divergence of the finite-size thermal conductivity as a power of the system length; (ii) a nonintegrable long-time tail of the energy current correlator (the Green-Kubo integrand); (iii) the anomalous diffusion of energy flucuations (Levy walks). Simulations and theoretical arguments indicate that anomalies should occur generically in D=1 whenever momentum is conserved. Universal aspects are discussed in the framework of mode-coupling theory describing nonlinear interactions among long-wavelength fluctuations.


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