
Bond Graph Modeling In Simscape

, , , and .
International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 6 (2): 239-247 (2012)


Modeling is a complex process realized through several levels of abstraction. Since each level has its own ontological primitives, a problem of model transformation from one level to another appears. In order to decrease discontinuities in a development process, this paper discusses a bond graph model library implemented in Simscape. Simscape is a software tool intended for modeling and simulation of physical systems in Simulink environment. Thanks to this library, it is possible to use physical network and bond graph approach in modeling, within the same model, on two different levels. In other words, for both structure and behavior description a unique notation is used. Besides the library of basic bond graph elements, an example of a model of a component used as interface between a bond graph and other Simscape domains is also given. Application of Simscape bond graph library is illustrated through an example of a hydraulic system model. The model combines standard Simscape and bond graph blocks.



  • @gdmcbain

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  • @gdmcbain
    2 years ago (last updated 2 years ago)
    Very innovative use of Simscape.
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