
An ancestral recombination graph for diploid populations with skewed offspring distribution

, , и .
(2012)cite arxiv:1203.4950Comment: 8 Figures; Appendix.


We consider a diploid biparental multilocus population model of Moran type, in which randomly chosen pairs of diploid individuals contribute offspring to the population. The number of offspring can be large, in particular relative to the total population size. Such 'heavily skewed' reproduction mechanisms have been considered by various authors recently, e.g. Eldon and Wakeley (2008), and reviewed by Hedgecock and Pudovkin (2011). The chromosomes of each diploid offspring are derived from two distinct individuals, resulting in a separation of timescales phenomenon: ancestral lineages can only coalesce when in distinct individuals. We extend a result of Möhle (1998) to obtain convergence of the ancestral process to an ancestral recombination graph. Due to diploidy and large offspring numbers, novel effects appear. For example, the marginal genealogy at each locus is given by a $\Xi$-coalescent necessarily involving simultaneous multiple mergers in up to four groups, and different loci remain substantially correlated even as the recombination rate grows large. We compute correlations of coalescence times for two loci and discuss our findings for simulated data.


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  • @peter.ralph

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