
Implementation of FAST in two digital repositories : breaking silos, unifying subject practices

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Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 61 (5-6): 558--578 (August 2023)Publisher: Routledge \_eprint:
DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2023.2193572


This study traces evolving approaches to the use of the FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) in digital repositories at Atkins Library at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where changes in staffing, the launch of an institutional repository, and efforts to address problematic language in metadata have necessitated a shift from an in-depth indexing approach to FAST to a lightweight “tagging” model more suited to present-day metadata needs. Despite the subject schema’s apparent simplicity, Atkins’ experience with FAST has shown that it still requires significant time, effort, and experimentation in order to deploy it to best effect.



  • @lepsky

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