
\$D a\_1, f\_1\$ transition form factors and semileptonic decays via 3-point QCD sum rules

, , , , , and .
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 31 (20n21): 1650116+ (Aug 12, 2016)
DOI: 10.1142/s0217751x16501165


By using the 3-point QCD sum rules, we calculate the transition form factors of \$D\$ decays into the spin triplet axial vector mesons \$a\_1(1260)\$, \$f\_1(1285) \$, \$f\_1(1420)\$. In the calculations, we consider the quark contents of each meson in detail. In view of the fact that the isospin of \$a\_1(1260)\$ is one, we calculate the \$D^+ a\_1^0 (1260)\$ and \$D^0 a\_1^- (1260)\$ transition form factors separately. In the case of \$ f\_1(1285), f\_1(1420)\$, the mixing between light flavor \$SU(3)\$ singlet and octet is taken into account. Based on the form factors obtained here, we give predictions for the branching ratios of relevant semileptonic decays, which can be tested in the future experiments.



  • @cmcneile

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